krea university
The Brief: Create a visual language for Krea University, one of India's up-and-coming private universities, founded with the goal of re-imagining higher education. The logo was already created with idea of "interwoven learning" in mind, and my task was to design the rest of the brand language and launch collaterals.
Design Challenge: Create a unique look for a university which did not have a completed campus at the time of project initiation, while giving it the gravitas of the successful educational institution that it was bound to become.
The Outcome: A memorable visual language was created using highly stylised illustrations done with a carefully selected colour palette. This was designed in order to appeal to students and educators alike. In order to give Krea University its own unmistakable identity, seven master illustrations were created. I had to take them apart and combine them in various forms and colours to fabricate the collaterals.
Illustrator: Christopher Cisneros Franco | Copywriter: Nirupama Kapil